Google Featured Snippets: A Complete Guide in 2024

Google Featured Snippets: A Complete Guide in 2024
Ramesh Karki |
Google featured snippets seo guide for 2022 feature image

In recent years, there has been a notable evolution in SERP results. Google has introduced diverse SERP features designed to engage customers at various points in their buying journey.

Within this dynamic landscape, brands encounter difficulties in distinguishing themselves in the SERP. However,  a powerful tool for enhancing visibility exists: Featured snippets. In this article, we will be discussing Google Featured Snippets in Details.

Google Featured Snippet is a search box that shows the precise answer by highlighting the texts that Google deems relative to the search query. Also known as “Position Zero”, Google Featured Snippets are displayed at the top of Google’s SERP.

Being ranked on the Featured snippet increases the likelihood of getting better visibility and clicks. The reason is simple. It features concise and descriptive text in the form of paragraphs, lists, tables, videos, and carousel. These texts are extracted directly from the indexed web page.

For example, GrowByData recently appeared in a featured snippet for the search query “How to Optimize for People Also Ask.”

how to optimize for people also ask - google featured snippets

The search box shows the precise answer by highlighting specific texts that Google deems reflective of what the search query is looking for in bold. This feature helps users find the exact answer to their queries and meet their specific needs.