Walmart Sponsored Product Ads: Guide to Advertising on Walmart

Walmart Sponsored Product Ads: Guide to Advertising on Walmart
Ramesh Karki |
Walmart Sponsored Product Ads: Guide to Advertising on Walmart Marketplace for 2021

Walmart marketplace is becoming progressively popular with sellers and online shoppers. According to ComScore, sees up to 100 million unique visitors per month. The number of sellers on the platform has reached over 113,000. This number has been rapidly rising over the last few years as shown on the graph below.

walmart marketplace - number of sellers

The increase in visitors makes the Walmart marketplace an attractive sales channel. The platform provides sellers with an excellent ad opportunity to boost a product/brand’s visibility and conversion with ‘Walmart Sponsored Product ads’. It also provides brands and sellers with smart advertising solutions and sales tools for their products to increase their chances of discovering and matching their products with shoppers’ searches. Walmart aims to provide the best ad experience for brands and sellers to reach potential customers.

In this article, we will be covering in detail the advertising options that are available on the Walmart Marketplace, the benefits of advertising on the platform, how to create ad campaigns, and ad optimization ideas to grow your business on Walmart.

What are Walmart Sponsored Product Ads?

Walmart sponsored product ads also known as performance ads are pay-per-click ads that help brands and sellers promote their products/brand on the Walmart Marketplace. It is the main advertising type for Walmart which helps customers discover and purchase products on It increases product visibility so that customers can click on your ad and make a purchase.