discover map violations from resellers online


Find your products matched at the variant level across channels, through a blend of AI and human in the loop.

map monitoring


Track across the US, Canada and Mexico. Spot Minimum Advertised Price violators at a SKU level with our easy-to-use software and service.

enforce map violations


Use the visual evidence of violations to communicate with your delinquent resellers. Send cease and desist letters. Reduce your MAP policy violations and build a thriving brand.

MAP Compliance Monitoring & Enforcement Made Easy

Defend your brand and profitability with the best Minimum Advertised Price policy compliance monitoring software. Discover retailers, wholesalers and distributors selling your SKUs. Track them and capture screenshots when they violate your MAP policies.

Our Enterprise MAP policy online enforcement tool and service allows easy enforcement of your policies. Keep your good sellers happy and clamp down on bad actors.

Proactively Monitor Your MAP Prices

Track wholesaler, distributor and reseller SKU level prices at a zip code, city, and county level. Monitor prices during your MAP holidays across your digital channels.

Enjoy built-in support for Amazon, Google Shopping, and Walmart. Track direct eCommerce sites in Magento, BigCommerce, Shopify, etc.

map price monitoring software for Google Shopping, Amazon, Walmart, Target and many digital channels and ecommerce sites

Identify Minimum Advertised Price Violations

Monitor MAP Price. Enforce Your Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) Policies easily across US, Canada and Mexico across your resellers, distributors and wholesalers.

Identify authorized and unauthorized online sellers infringing upon your iMAP policies in the US, Canada or Mexico.

Learn about your most vulnerable products, categories, channels, locations, times of day. See online Map price violation trends to prioritize your enforcement actions.

Stay up-to-date on best practices on price compliance monitoring and enforcement with our client success team. Engage with your MAP compliance lawyer to develop the right enforcement strategy.

Spot Your Online MAP Policy Violators

Track your resellers with AI powered price monitoring. Find unauthorized resellers and unauthorized channels. For brands that don’t want to sell on certain channels or geographies, identify authorized and unauthorized sellers selling there.

Spot online retailers with negative reviews that are impacting your brand, and uncover whether bad products or poor customer service are degrading your brand image. Detect resellers that are violating your iMAP pricing across different regions, marketplaces and websites.

retail map - reseller monitoring and tracking. See ecommerce sellers violating your MAP or iMAP map pricing rules across Canada, United States and Mexico.

Enforce MAP Policies with Proof

get the best map price and violation monitoring software and service for US, Canada and Mexico

Simply identifying violations isn’t enough. Our Enterprise MAP Enforcement Tool offers visual evidence of policy violations, letting you decide when and how to alert resellers. Customize your violation notification emails per policies you’ve built with your MAP compliance lawyer. You can automatically or manually email violators with screenshots. Your lawyer needs this to notify the policy violators.

Use our dashboards to understand the health of your digital price enforcement program. Ask our client success team about best practices to improve your channel program.

Increase Margins with a Top Performing Reseller Program

GrowByData's MAP monitoring Platform is part of its Market Intelligence Solution. You can easily add the Price Intelligence module for powerful repricing & competitive price intelligence reports.

  • Explore SKUs in which you are the cheapest. Find SKUs you can raise prices and still be above MAP to convert at higher margins.
  • Reduce and expand your distribution in existing markets, and enter new markets.
  • Deepen relationship with good retailers complying with your channel policies and enhancing your brand.
  • Expand channel by recruiting retailers with good reviews selling your competitors' products. Trim your bad resellers not following your policies.

Shield My Pricing Policies With The Best MAP Monitoring Solution

GrowByData powers the world's largest brands, retailers, and digital agencies.

















Frequently Asked Questions

MAP Monitoring is the process of tracking your Minimum Advertised Price policies across digital channels in the US, Canada and Mexico. You can identify Map Violations, see pricing trends of authorized retailers and spot unauthorized resellers.

Learn more about GrowByData’s Map Monitoring Solution.

MAP Policy is crucial to protecting your brand value. If a retailer is offering online prices much cheaper than you allow, it will destroy your brand image and credibility. Our seller price tracking software proactively tracks such violations and alerts you with proof to enforce online MAP.

Learn more about the topic “Minimum Advertised Price & Policy

Yes, the MAP policy only prohibits advertising below the Minimum Advertised Price. You can still sell below the minimum price via discounts & promotions. That said, please make sure you are not violating Minimum Retail Price (MRP) and other terms that are in your Minimum Advertised Price policy guidelines.

GrowByData’s MAP monitoring software detects Map Violators with visual screenshot. You can contact such non-compliant online sellers with evidence and ultimately enforce your MAP pricing policies.

Read more about map violation alert email templates to send to non compliant sellers – Minimum Advertised Price Violations Free Email Template

GrowByData’s MAP tracking & enforcement platform tracks violations across all Amazon ad formats: organic, sponsored, and Amazon Seller listing pages.

Powered by a blend of AI and Human verification, our monitoring solution meticulously matches your product SKUs with Amazon URLs in the US, Canadian and Mexican Amazon marketplaces. With ongoing detection, you can get reports to swiftly alert retailers violating MAP policies online, and bring enforcement.

Yes. GrowByData can monitor in the US, Canada and Mexico for MAP price compliance.

We will report on MAP price violators by SKU by day with visual evidence. You can use this to reach out to MAP price violating resellers and enforce your policies.

Plus, GrowByData will share best practices on enforcing MAP policies across digital channels.

Yes, GrowByData’s MAP price Monitoring AI technology can detect and track violations across digital marketplaces and direct online retail channels in Canada. We can keep a pulse of Amazon Canada, Google Shopping Canada and other ecommerce sites and marketplaces in Canada. You can use this insight to reach out to non-compliant sellers and ultimately enforce your MAP policies in the Canadian market. You will see MAP violating resellers. From these, you could potentially see fraudulent products.

Absolument! Nous pouvons surveiller vos prix MAP sur des marchés comme les sites Google, Amazon, Walmart et eCom au Canada et sur d’autres marchés.

Vous ne vous contentez pas de vous lancer un outil. Grâce à notre modèle de services de surveillance MAP, vous pouvez suivre les violations de MAP et découvrir comment les gestionnaires de canaux d’autres marques appliquent leurs politiques MAP.

Absolutely. Our MAP monitoring solution can track Google Mexico, Amazon Mexico, Walmart Mexico and direct ecommerce sites in Mexico. We will share back with you resellers, wholesalers and distributors that are following your MAP policies, and those that are not. We offer evidence for you to work with your MAP policy and enforcement lawyers to manage resellers that are not following your MAP policies.

Sí, podemos monitorear a los revendedores, mayoristas y distribuidores que violan sus políticas de precios de MAP. Compartimos evidencia de esto y ofrecemos mejores prácticas para hacer cumplir sus políticas MAP en los mercados mexicanos como Amazon México, Walmart México y otros. También monitoreamos en Google México.

Yes. Brands are constantly offering MAP price holidays to their retailers. For, we support MAP holidays in Prime Day and others.

Overall, brands ask us to support MAP holidays during Black Fridays, Cyber Monday and Christmas holidays. Besides that, brands also offer MAP holidays during major US holidays such as Memorial Day, Labor Day etc. We support similar MAP price holidays in Canada. Some brands have their own MAP suspension periods that could be monthly. We support industry and brand specific MAP holidays also.

Yes, GrowByData’s MAP monitoring software can track Internet Minimum Advertised Price Violations across channels such as Amazon, Walmart, Target, eBay, and others in the US, Canada and Mexico.

GrowByData’s solutions are far more comprehensive, flexible, and customizable vs other MAP tracking tools. We have no limitation in terms of channels and resellers tracking. Our service model also differentiates us. We share best practices on how you can best enforce online pricing policies without irritating your sellers for minor issues. We are constantly sharing our learnings through our blogs and on client calls to help you stay ahead of the market. We just don’t throw a tool at you. Our goal is to help you reduce your digital MAP policy violations.

GrowByData’s MAP Enforcement product offers a blend of monitoring tools and service. First, we focus on generating high quality SKU level matches to ensure that you are getting accurate SKU level MAP violation reporting. We don’t give you wrong data.

Second, GrowByData just doesn’t throw you a MAP tracking tool. We know your business is complex and subtle. We know custom analysis is key for you to expand your reseller network and enforce your MAP policies. That said, we know enforcement is not black and white, and you want to tread enforcement effectively. We customize your MAP enforcement solution and share best practices that we have learned through our years of supporting MAP enforcement.  Clients also appreciate this service aspect to help them reduce internet MAP price violations and better manage and grow their digital reseller partner program.

No. You don’t need to worry about the MAP Violation Product setup. We just need your product catalog, channel and geographies you want to keep track of. We will do the heavy lifting and begin tracking the violations for you quickly.

You will begin to get violation reports on resellers violating your MAP policies. We offer email templates for you to reach out. We will also guide you on best practices that other brands and wholesalers have used to reach out and have non compliant sellers comply.

Yes. Our GrowByData representatives will happily share our solution and service with you at your convenience. Brands that want to customize their internet MAP pricing enforcement solution based on their business nuances really like the solution and service model.

Yes, you can adjust times to scan for online map price violation. Based on your needs, our system can track violations upto to hourly.

Absolutely. Brands have many questions on the reports and how they should enforce, penalize and incentive their sellers. We offer brands state-of-the-art MAP monitoring solution to keep track of policy violations. Then we offer best practices for you to follow when you reach out and incentivize good online sellers that don’t violate MAP pricing rules.

Yes. You can send emails to internet MAP violation resellers directly or on behalf of your distributors or wholesalers. You can customize the tone, frequency and severity of your emails.

Brands like to send one MAP violation email to a resellers daily or weekly with all violations grouped into one email. However, you can send one email per violation or as you desire. You can email the reseller or to your channel sales manager who can forward to his/her rep.

We identify all resellers that are selling your products. You will find authorized and unauthorized retailers. Now if you want to contact your unauthorized sellers, we can point you to contact databases with information on contacts at the reseller sites. Our client success team will offer these best practices to you, and we can also help with some of these services.

Absolutely. Our Enterprise MAP Monitoring and Notification System is designed with needs for complex enterprise grade organizations. We can track very large catalogs and offer high quality results. Our high touch client success team understands your business challenges and strives to provide you quality service. Through our Professional Services, you can get customized Minimum Advertised Price policy violation reporting to suite your needs.

We work with many large brands and will share best practices that other brand and channel managers have used to manage their digital channels. You will get a flavor of this by reading our MAP Monitoring blogs.

We focus on high quality data for over a decade of our business. We spend huge efforts to ensure our data collection is reliable, and the dataset is high quality. We use data quality algorithms to verify that the results we get is correct overall and at a unit record level. We then engage our trained data quality analyst team to spot check the data quality algorithm results and evaluate outliers. This combined automated data quality and human expertise helps us generate high quality accurate MAP violation results. We are also bound by ISO 27001:2022 rules that ensure that our processes are high quality and repetitive. These combined help us deliver high quality MAP violation results that our clients can trust on.

We have rich experience supporting all key product product categories in ecommerce.  Over the last 10 years, we have supported clients in apparel, parts, automotive, aircraft parts, home goods, industrial goods, furniture, food, electronics and others.

MAP monitoring in products with rich product data – ie. products with multiple images, rich titles, detailed product descriptions, SKU number, GTIN/UPC number, ASIN number, category, sub-category – is straightforward. However, when you are dealing with products that have multiple child SKUs with very little product data, it is extremely hard to match at a SKU level and consistently do MAP price monitoring. Using our blend of AI and trained retail analysts doing human-in-the-loop, we specialize in detecting internet prices with our specialized MAP monitoring solution.

If you have read upto this point, you may be finding the experts who can do MAP price tracking for these advanced use cases. We happily support this with our decade plus of experience.