Search Intelligence

We support Google, Bing, Baidu

We support all Ad types and formats, not just organic and paid. These include Google Shopping Ads, display Ads, Local Ads, Google Popular Products, Google People Also Ask, images, and videos in addition to organic and text Ads.

We track a large number of competitive and advertising dimensions across keywords, pricing, devices, and region. The dimensions we track include enriched shopper data and custom insights for your business.

Our search intelligence solution provides a unified view of how your Ads are performing across all SERP features, devices, campaigns, and content. This means deeper insight into competitors’ top Ads, tracking what products retailers are pushing, pricing, and uncovering new promotional and fulfillment tactics.

We provide near real-time Ad campaign alerts on price, promotions, missing products, anomalies, competitive trends, and SERP format changes to name just a few.

Marketplace Intelligence

We support Amazon, Walmart, Target, BestBuy, and many direct-to-consumer and 3rd party sellers.

We support all marketplace Ad types, including organic, sponsored Ads, top sellers, editorial recommendations, and special programs like Amazon Prime and Walmart Plus.

We provide competitive visibility into all content, promotion, and fulfillment intelligence at very granular levels across marketplaces, providing deep understanding of what products and content rank well.

We provide granular visibility into ratings and reviews of competitive products – essentially all aspects of product content on a page, including how competitors use marketplace Ad types and formats.

Yes, we support the ability to set up custom data labels based on shopper attributes that provide specific visibility into brands across marketplaces and the competition.

We can monitor prices on popular marketplaces like Google Shopping, Amazon, Walmart, Target, Best Buy and eBay. Likewise, we can monitor from direct ecommerce sites anywhere in the world. If you have other ecommerce sites that you want to do price monitoring, you can let us know. We have rapidly supported custom price monitoring needs for our clients.

Yes. We automatically update prices on Google Merchant Center, Amazon, Shopify, BigCommerce, Magento, Yahoo and other sites.

Typically, we have provided the repriced data in a product feed that the client product feed team imports into their product catalog. We have integrations into platforms like Amazon, Google Merchant Center and other ecommerce marketplaces to automatically make price changes. After clients gain confidence, they utilize our full automation capabilities by providing us rules that we set to enable automated repricing.

You can detect when other resellers are not complying with minimum advertised price (MAP) policies on their eCommerce store and/or marketplaces. You will also see when resellers don’t follow channel sales policies. For example, many brands prevent selling on Amazon. Competitive price intelligence will identify when brands that are not to be sold on Amazon are found to be selling. Additionally, brands can detect unauthorized sellers and potentially fraudulent products.

Product Intelligence

We support titles, descriptions, categorizations, including GTIN/ASIN, images, A+ content, ratings, and reviews. Our insights enable you to assess the impact of promotions, inventory, shipping, and fulfillment on customer satisfaction.

You can monitor competitor assortment, pricing, and promotions to optimize price and offers. Prices can be managed across Google, Bing, marketplaces, direct-to-consumer, and 3rd party sellers.

We compare products in your catalog to every competitor we find and verify the match accuracy of your products through a combination of automated and manual data quality checks. Using software (AI) empowered automated product matching, we match your products against data from eCommerce databases by comparing part numbers, brand names, variants, case packs, and images. We also use human in the loop for quality assurance. Products are matched automatically in “high-confidence” scenarios. Data Analysts manually research “moderate” or “low-confidence” scenarios.

If you are trying to buy a Nike Air Jordan white size 10 shoe, you will price shop exactly on that SKU. You may browse Foot Locker, DSW, Amazon, Walmart and others. You will want to know how much that exact SKU costs and purchase the one with the lowest price.

If you are DSW and want to offer the lowest price, you want to understand how much Foot Locker is selling that shoe for. You don’t want to understand how much a size 11 or a size 9, or a yellow Nike Air Jordan costs.

Your competitive price data must be exact at the SKU level so you can reprice. If you don’t get competitive price data exact at an SKU level, you will reprice based on the wrong shoe. And if your strategy as DSW is to offer the lowest price, you will be unable to as Foot Locker may still be the lowest on that SKU and price-shopping buyers will not buy from you.

This article details this topic: What is Price Intelligence

Advertisers, Pricing Analysts, Consultants and many other stakeholders utilize competitive pricing data.

Business Type Description Primary Needs
Retailer Primarily resells products manufactured and/or distributed by other companies Standard
Brands Manufacturers their own products, sells direct, and sells through Retailers Standard Police MAP pricing Monitor “similar” items
Private Brands Manufacturers their own products, sells direct, and does not sell through Retailers Monitor “similar” items

Our solution is designed to be fully automated. Typically, clients don’t start the engagement with full automation and want to get comfortable with the accuracy of our results. So our clients have validated the quality of our results to gain confidence that they can trust the results. During these times, they add a step to manually feed the price change into their product catalog.

Business Type Description
Platform Platform the data is collected from
Item Name Product name
SKU Stock keeping unit
MAP Enforced Indicates if SKU is a MAP SKU
MAP Indicates if MAP violations have been found
Item Cost Product Cost
Floor Price The lowest price at which a product can be sold (based on your preference)
Current Base Price Base Price
Current Shipping Cost Shipping Cost
Suggested Base Price This price is based on configured price rules.
Price Category / Suggested Action Indicates if your base price should be lowered, increased or remain the same
Lowest Competitor Base Price Base Price of the LOWEST priced competitor in a platform
Lowest Competitor Shipping Cost Shipping Cost of the LOWEST priced competitor in a platform
Highest Competitor Base Price Base Price of the HIGHEST priced competitor in a platform
Highest Competitor Shipping Cost Shipping Cost of the HIGHEST priced competitor in a platform
Full Competitor List Details of all available competitors for the product

We support all industries with our price monitoring solutions as we list below. We have a specific edge in categories like apparel, fashion and industrial. These categories have sparse product content and thus automated repricers do a poor job of providing correct competitive price data.

Animals & Pet Supplies Apparel & Accessories Arts, Media & Entertainment
Automotive & Parts Baby & Toddler Business & Industrial
Cameras & Optics Education Electronics & Computers
Floral, Gifts, & Baskets Food & Beverage Furniture
Hardware Health & Beauty Health & Wellness
Healthcare & Medical Home & Garden Jewelry & Accessories
Luggage & Bags Mass Merchant & Variety Office & School Supplies
Software & Solutions Sporting Goods & Outdoor Toys, Hobbies & Crafts

We can provide competitive price data from any geography with a site in English. We serve many customers in the United States. For global brands, we provide competitive prices from Canada, Mexico, UK, France, Italy, Japan, Thailand, Korea, China and other countries. Our technology is country agnostic.

We can provide data intra-day, daily, weekly or less frequently. The majority of online retailers do dynamic pricing and hence prices become stale very quickly. Hence, we strongly recommend clients assess their price competitiveness daily or at least weekly.

Minimum Advertised Price (MAP)

We go through a detailed process of identifying your child SKUs across the sites you want us to monitor. Thanks to this child level SKU identification, we give you accurate MAP violation data. Many solutions in the market may give you MAP violations at a parent SKU level. That is inaccurate. We give you SKU monitoring at a child SKU level and bring our specialization in this area to give you monitoring that you can trust.

We can provide a screenshot of the retailer that has violated MAP. As a competing retailer, you can share this snapshot with the manufacturer to push your case that the violating retailer must be penalized. If you are a manufacturer, you can use this data to email the retailer.

We can email you a screenshot when we detect a MAP violator. This information is also logged in our Competitive Price Intelligence product dashboard.

Minimum Advertised Price popularly referred to as MAP is the minimum retail price the manufacturer sets for its product that resellers or retailers agree not to go below in advertisements.

Yes, under U.S. antitrust statutes, MAP is legal. It is not considered a form of vertical price fixation between retailers and manufactures because it allows selling below the set price.

  • Manufacturers and brands set a MAP on their product to protect a brand value.
  • MAP helps prevent price wars between retailers, and helps maintain good margins.
  • Retailers shift their focus to factors such as after sales service, shipping and other customer-centric features, instead of offering cheaper price

Yes, under U.S. antitrust statutes, MAP is legal. It is not considered a form of vertical price fixation between retailers and manufactures because it allows selling below the set price.

If a retailer has advertised their price below the Minimum Advertised Price set by Manufacturers and brands in any online channel, then it is called a MAP violation. The only way to detect is to consistently scan and monitor sellers’ advertised price across the marketplaces.

The process to enforce MAP is to detect all MAP violators across various marketplaces and advertising platforms, generate evidence, proclaim MAP enforcement policy, and, if needed, ban non-compliant retailers from selling certain branded products.

We can detect issues in MAP compliance on marketplaces like Google Shopping, Amazon, Walmart, Target, Best Buy, eBay and others.

We can detect issues in MAP on direct eCommerce sites like Magento, BigCommerce, Shopify, Yahoo, Volusion, 3DCart and others. If you have a custom need to detect MAP violations in other sites, please let us know. It is easy for us to extend our capabilities into new destinations as needed.

We analyze Ad Platforms such as Google PLA, Amazon Sponsored, Walmart Sponsored Ads, and Target Ads to detect non compliance.

For brands we monitor, we can share when their products show up on channels they have not authorized. For example, many brands prevent retailers from selling at marketplaces like Amazon. We flag cases when the brand’s products appear on Amazon.

You may be diligently following MAP guidelines set by the brand on your eCommerce store and marketplaces. However, if your competitors are not, then they are not creating a level playing field. Consumers may purchase from a non-MAP compliant vendor and you lose the sale. This is unfair.

MAP compliance software allows you to detect when other retailers are not following MAP prices. You can use this evidence to flag the brand to police the non-complying retailer. Additionally, you can share the information that you comply with and others don’t to make a case for your brand to get favorable terms on inventory, payment, early access to new products and more.

You can provide us the SKUs and the MAP price that you have set. We can update our product catalog and detect your updated MAP price for noncompliance.

We can monitor Minimum Advertised Pricing (MAP) in any website in North America, Europe, and other parts of the world.

No. We cannot monitor MAP prices on sites that require a login. We can only monitor MAP pricing on publicly accessible websites.

Yes. We will identify resellers that are selling your products and can flag sellers that are not on your list of authorized sellers.

Yes, we can monitor sales of your products on unauthorized channels. Many brands don’t allow selling on Amazon. If you don’t allow selling on Amazon, we can flag when your products show up on Amazon, and any other marketplace.

Product Feeds

We support all product attributes – color, size, gender, brand, materials, case pack, promotion, and fulfillment, with support of GTIN and ASIN.

We support one to one, or one to many updates throughout the entire hierarchy.

We optimize your product catalogs through titles with attributes located within product descriptions and images. We also optimize parent/child SKU relationships, inserting the correct category/sub-category to create high quality catalogs.

Yes, you can use us as a primary or a supplemental feed. We can enrich your existing feed with more and better shopper attribute data. Our Product Feeds solution exports enriched data and supplemental feeds of eCommerce stores. For example – Shopify, Magento, BigCommerce; and marketplaces – Amazon, Walmart, and Target; and Ad channels – Google, Bing and Facebook.


Yes, we provide Enrichment Data Services, and we enrich the data across a wide variety of dimensions, including product content, customer sentiment, pricing, promotion, fulfillment, plus Search and Marketplace Intelligence.

We’ll support custom insights, including with enriched data, through the support of internal and external custom labels. Those insights will be delivered to your favorite BI tool of choice, including Amazon QuickSight, Google Data Studios, Tableau, or PowerBI.

Yes, in addition to your favorite BI tool of choice, we can also provide you with direct access to the raw data.