Localized Search Intelligence

Monitor brand visibility and analyze competition globally and locally with our comprehensive search monitoring service.


Creative Ad Analyzer

Understand your competitors’ text ad strategies to craft your creative and build impactful text ads strategy!

Holistic SERP Visibility

Maximize coverage and clicks with visibility into how search is changing. Track Google Search Generative Experience (SGE) and who appears on AI Overview. Understand Share of Voice, True Rank, and Above vs. Below-the-fold Visibility.

How The New Search Intelligence Empowers Search Marketers

All-in-one Holistic Search Intelligence Solution

All-In-One Holistic Search Intelligence Solution

Looking to gain a competitive edge in search engine marketing? Use our comprehensive Search intelligence Solutions to improve your search marketing performance. Analyze traditional SERPs and Google Search Generative Experience (SGE) to identify opportunities, optimize strategies, increase your share of voice, and enhance ROI.

Seeking to improve your search engine marketing results? Enhance your search performance. Our reporting helps you optimize your search efforts across business lines, coordinate organic and paid search, allocate budget wisely, boost visibility, and resolve ad cannibalization.

Novel Paid Search Insights

With holistic paid search intelligence, ensure paid ads are hyper-optimized and in sync with organic listings to maximize SERP coverage.

Get insights to create relevant and competitive ads by tracking ad copies, offers, promotions and ad extensions used by competitors across your international and local markets.

Ensure affiliate compliance in text ads. Detect affiliate violators causing CPC rise. Find trademark violators.

Paid Search intel

Granular Insights into Shopping Ads

Analyze Google Shopping Ads with detailed digital shelf analytics.

Examine product titles, prices, promotions, bundles, variants, reviews, ratings, shipping, and local inventory labels competing in auctions.

Discover effective tactics to optimize your product ads and achieve better results.

Monitor competitors’ share of voice across categories, geographies, devices, and time for strategic insights.

Ensure minimum advertised price (MAP) and reseller compliance in Shopping Ads with Search Intelligence Solutions.

Unprecedented SEO Insights

Get strategic SEO Intelligence. Monitor your organic rank across all organic SERP features & get competitive SERP analytics to understand gateway features and acquire the best spot in SERP. Discover your presence on SGE and what is noted on AI Overview.

Maximize your visibility by auditing your international and local SEO performance and acting on new organic SERP listings gaining visibility.

Unprecedented SEO Insights

Maximize Your Search Marketing Returns

GrowByData powers the world's largest brands, retailers, and digital agencies.

















Frequently Asked Questions

Search Intelligence is an emerging concept that involves monitoring end-to-end SERP data. This concept utilizes real-time analysis of SERP data to develop a comprehensive search strategy, aiming to maximize overall search performance, whether through organic or paid campaigns.

Learn more on “What is Search Intelligence?

Search Intelligence Solutions is an advanced tool that provides strategic and tactical insights to help businesses outperform competitors in the search market. Its SERP monitoring technology enables the precise collection of SERP data from targeted geo-locations. With comprehensive end-to-end analysis, enrichment, and customization of SERP data, It empowers entire search, product, merchandising, pricing, sales, and client teams with invaluable insights to elevate search marketing (ROI).

Maximize search performance with holistic or total Search strategy, aligning paid and organic efforts and breaking down silos between SEM and SEO teams. Discover the benefits of this approach. Learn more about Holistic or Total Search Strategy.

Here are the key benefits of a holistic Search Strategy:

  • Keyword Planning: A Shared Starting Point for SEM and SEO Teams
  • SERP Watch – Stay Updated on SERP Changes
  • Strategic Budget Allocation for Cost Optimization
  • Enhance Customer Search Experience
  • Maximize SERP Real Estate for Increased Clicks and conversions
  • Develop a Holistic Optimization & Testing Plan

Search Intelligence goes beyond the search team, providing detailed ad content analytics that offers unparalleled market and competitive insights. The insights are invaluable to marketing, product, pricing, merchandising, sales, and client teams.

Here are four key capabilities of a search intelligence tool for comprehensive marketing intelligence across the shopper journey:

End-to-end SERP analysis: Support for all SERP components, including text ads, display ads, shopping ads, local ads, and organic search, for a holistic search strategy.

Data Enrichment & Customization: The tool provides flexible and comprehensive multi-dimensional views of the search market and competition, including targeted local insights, device-specific analysis, product category evaluation, competitor grouping, keyword labeling, and customizable groupings.

Unify with Product Experience: By combining search and product intelligence, eCommerce marketers can optimize product pages for better conversions. Keyword searches with specific attributes like gender, size, color, style, price, or promotions ensure relevance and high-quality content; leading to increased conversions.

Unify with Marketplace Intelligence: As shoppers’ search behavior evolves, it is crucial for agencies and brands to integrate search and marketplace. This enables them to optimize each marketplace and meet the dynamic needs of consumers, even with variations in product content and offers.

GrowByData Search Monitoring technology is an advanced tool that can precisely collect search engine results page (SERP) data from targeted geographic locations down to the zip code level. The data is validated with a comprehensive data quality engine and professionals to ensure accuracy and precision.

Paid Search Intelligence Software analyzes the changing Google SERP, competitors, and your ads. Improve your paid search campaigns with this multi-dimensional view at this time of great change in Google!

Insights from Paid Search Intelligence can be used to improve paid search campaigns with better ad campaigns to lift paid search ROI.

  • Understand Your Ads Vs Competition
  • Maximize Paid Search ROI through ad budget optimization
  • Analyze Competitor’s Ad Copies, offers, and targets geographies, and google shopping ad extensions.

Our solution provides timely alerts on a variety of shopping ad campaign changes, including price changes, promotions, missing products, anomalies, competitive trends, and SERP format changes

GrowByData solution provides a unified view of how your ads perform across all SERP components, devices, campaigns, and content.

It means deeper insight into competitors’ top ads, tracking what products retailers are pushing, pricing, and uncovering new promotional and fulfillment tactics.

By integrating Search Intelligence with product experience, and marketplace intelligence, marketers gain a comprehensive understanding of consumer behavior. This holistic view enables them to create compelling advertisements, optimize ad placements, and offer attractive promotions, resulting in more effective marketing strategies.

Our platform supports major search engines like Google, Bing, and Baidu.

Ad cannibalization occurs when a brand’s own search ads compete against each other, resulting in reduced search visibility and negatively impacting search engine performance.

We offer a wide range of ad types and formats, including organic and paid ads, Google Shopping Ads, display ads, local ads, People Also Ask, Popular products, images, and videos.

We track competitive and advertising metrics across keywords, pricing, devices, and regions, providing enriched shopper data and custom insights for your business.

Our comprehensive insights deliver a detailed analysis of your ads and listings’ performance on SERPs, providing granular metrics and data. These valuable insights enable you to optimize your marketing efforts, identify areas for improvement, and align your strategies with your goals.

Our Search Intelligence Solution provides near real-time alerts on ad campaign changes, including price changes, promotions, missing products, anomalies, competitive trends, and SERP format changes.

Organic Search Intelligence Solutions monitors SERP layouts, competitors, organic ads, and rankings to find opportunities and strategies to maximize total search ROI. These strategies can be coordinated with paid campaigns.


Yes. GrowByData Search Intelligence tools enhances local search marketing with strategic insights, monitoring, and analysis of local SERPs. It identifies local search intent keywords, benchmarks visibility against competitors, and provides ad and ranking visibility for Google’s Local 3-Pack and other organic components. Leverage this information to optimize local search performance and drive effective marketing campaigns.

GrowByData Search Intelligence Tools can help you understand the global search landscape, see how your website and content rank against your competitors, and get insights into how ads are displayed and how websites rank in search results across different SERP features. With search monitoring, we can collect SERP data from global cities and support all international languages to audit and analyze your international targeting.

Typically you pay by the amount of search monitoring that you do – number of keywords,  locations and search engines. Many search tool providers give you the tool for a fixed price for a given number of keywords. However, it is on you to understand their search product, infer trends and create strategies. This takes a lot of time, which you may not have. We’ve designed our GrowByData search monitoring solution differently. We let you customize what and from where you monitor search. You can use our professional services to get exactly the answers you want from the SERP results. Search managers like this search intelligence service to quickly understand trends and create strategies to maximize their search marketing roi without spending hours and hours.