Marketing Intelligence

Looking to understand what kind of marketing intelligence is available for eCommerce?

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What is Marketing Intelligence?

Marketing intelligence, collected and analyzed through online marketing intelligence software, provides insight into the effectiveness of your eCommerce brand’s marketing across the shopper’s journey. It enables unified visibility across search intelligence, product intelligence, competitive intelligence, pricing intelligence, and marketplace or cross-channel intelligence. Marketing intelligence provides insight into all aspects of the shopper’s journey, ranging from share of voice for your brand to digital shelf optimization. It also enables a deeper view into shopper attributes throughout the shopper’s journey, giving brands and agencies insight into buying behavior across the digital shelf.

Why Should Your Agency or Brand Use Online Marketing Intelligence Software to Improve eCommerce Performance?

Agencies and brands have limited insight, based on search intelligence from a small set of tools, the data that publishers like Google provides, or sometimes incomplete first party data from the client. This limited visibility is competing, not assisting, with a consumer on a shopper journey that within minutes can search for the best products and the best deals across multiple marketplaces, and make buying decisions based on reviews, ratings, video, competing Ads, and special offers. Agencies and brands not only do not have a holistic view of the shopper journey to optimize the digital shelf, but they lack a single source of truth, and they are limited by what the publishers make available.

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How to Evaluate Online Marketing Intelligence Software for eCommerce?

Types of Marketing Intelligence that Needs to Be Unified across the Shopper Journey to Optimize the Digital Shelf


Search intelligence gives you holistic and granular visibility across all the ad types and formats of Google and Bing, not just paid and organic. By analyzing the keywords searched by billions of users in the search engine results pages (SERPs), you can understand the demand, behavior, and the marketplace of the search portion of the shopper’s journey.

This intelligence provides a lot of information to hyper-target consumers with competitive and channel insights, at every SERP touchpoint.

  • End-to-end SERP analysis: This enables you to gain control with holistic and deep visibility across all SERP components – text ads, display ads, shopping, local ads, and organic. Similarly, it also helps to increase the page share through a single search analytical view, uncovering competitive intelligence, catching price undercutting, and tracking retailer share-of-voice.
  • Unprecedented visibility with Ad Intelligence: Ad intelligence helps you gain visibility into competitive advertising intelligence with near real-time data. You can improve your ad’s performance by tracking its position across SERP components, shopping ads marketing mix monitoring, and ad content analysis. Also, Ad Intel features the cross-device regional ad analytics, providing insight on your most competitive region.
  • SEO Intelligence: You can double your SEO effectiveness with granular insights into all major formats including organic, People Also Ask (PAA), images, and videos. Likewise, you can also create a more holistic strategy on keyword performance that are above the fold on multiple dimensions, within and across its format.

Search intelligence will help you navigate your way through competitive advertising intelligence, SERP analysis, and SEO intelligence across the search portion of the shopper journey. However, search intelligence is limited, unless it is unified with other insight through online marketing intelligence software. It only helps determine how shoppers find the brands they need and your share of voice, but what about buying a product or determining its availability?

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Product intelligence is the process of collecting and analyzing data related to the experience portion of the Shopper’s Journey. It is a key factor in digital shelf optimization, and it must be unified with search intelligence and marketplace intelligence. Product intelligence includes visibility into everything that sells a product, as the process involves consumer data to help you create better products, and a better consumer experience. It must include the following:

  • Product content intelligence: You should develop a better understanding of the product content and optimize the consumer experience with insights into titles, descriptions, categorizations, including GTIN/ASIN, and product images.
  • Product quality intelligence: It is imperative to determine the quality of your product and validate it based on the social proof via reviews, ratings, and rankings. It increases the credibility of your product.
  • Product demand and delivery intelligence: This intelligence assesses the impact of promotions, state of inventory, shipping, and fulfillment offers on consumer interest and satisfaction.

Digital shelf optimization is dependent on effective use of these dimensions. Combined with search intelligence, you will understand what SERP components drove shopper cohorts to a particular product, and what product intelligence dimensions triggered a purchase.

When you unify search and product intelligence through online marketing intelligence software, agencies then have two pieces of the puzzle – how was my brand found, and what triggered the buying behavior. However, the shopper journey is never as simple as searching for a product and purchasing from one marketplace. The shopper journey spans multiple marketplaces, making digital shelf optimization more complex.

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marketing-intel Marketplace intelligence is the collection of data from multiple marketplaces across the shopper’s journey. The information includes competitive intelligence, marketplace intelligence, pricing intelligence, inventory, buy box, ad performance, product content, MAP, reviews, rankings, and ratings. It is collected and analyzed to make informed eCommerce decisions by developing a competitive strategy around market opportunity and penetration. It is used to grow your business in an existing market, enter a new marketplace, create a stronger brand image, and to reduce the risk of a bad investment. Its sole purpose is to help your eCommerce business grow and use competitive intelligence to gain an advantage.

Through marketplace intelligence, you can gain full visibility across Amazon, Walmart, eBay, Target, and other third-party sellers. This visibility includes reviews, ratings, rankings, and competitive pricing intelligence, across sellers in the marketplace. Also, it features cross-channel intelligence and crawls different channels to provide you a comprehensive and transparent picture of your market’s potential. You can also leverage your competitors’ data to improve your content, by analyzing what resonates most with consumers, to attract organic traffic. With such holistic visibility and analytics, you can hyper-target your consumer data down to zip code. Similarly, you can use these insights to make data-driven decisions, save time, money, and avoid uncertainty in your business.

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marketing intelligence flow Competitive intelligence spans search intelligence, product intelligence, marketplace intelligence, and pricing intelligence. However, it requires unified visibility through online marketing intelligence software. In this way, competitive intelligence is connected to the shopper’s journey and provides another dimension to improve digital shelf optimization.

Every touchpoint in a shopper journey has a competitive, brand, and seller dimension involving content, pricing, inventory, reviews, ratings, promotions, and shipping. When combined with marketplace intelligence and pricing intelligence, competitive intelligence enables:

  • Optimize price and promotions against competitors
  • Detect opportunities across share of voice, and against specific competitors
  • Compare competitive product content, promotion, and shipping across marketplace
  • Compare reviews and ratings on competitor products, leveraging pricing intelligence to optimize price and promotions

While competitive intelligence is tightly linked to pricing intelligence, there are added dimensions to making optimal pricing decisions for your brand on the shopper journey.

Pricing intelligence utilizes accurate product price data to optimize price, execute a repricing strategy, implement and manage dynamic pricing, or monitor Minimum Advertising Price (MAP).

Pricing intelligence is complex, requiring accuracy to the SKU level, comprehensive and timely verification due to often dynamic changes in price, and the ability to monitor for MAP violations. However, when unified through online marketing intelligence software with search intelligence, product intelligence, competitive intelligence, and marketplace or cross-channel intelligence, pricing intelligence enables agencies and brands to improve digital shelf optimization across the shopper’s journey.

Online Marketing Intelligence Software Unifies the Shopper Journey across the Digital Shelf

Marketing intelligence empowers agencies and brands with 360-degree insights to drive eCommerce performance, providing them the necessary granularity and deeper visibility required to optimize the digital shelf across the shopper journey. That’s why we believe online marketing intelligence software provides the three forms of marketing intelligence and insights that agencies and brands need to gain a competitive advantage:

  1. Unified Search, Product, Competitive, Pricing, and Marketplace Intelligence
  2. Enriched shopper attributes across Search, Product, Competitive, Pricing and Marketplace Intelligence
  3. Custom insights specific to your brand across each of the forms of marketing intelligence

Delivering all three at the necessary granularity, or through flexible visualizations, gives agencies the insights they need to give their brands to a new level of eCommerce performance. One that is much more aligned to the shopper journey and how brands, retailers, and sellers expect to create an experience on the digital shelf.

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Why Use GrowByData’s Online Marketing Intelligence Software?

GrowByData provides online marketing intelligence software that gives agencies, brands, and retailers unified visibility into the shopper journey to optimize the digital shelf. To dramatically improve your eCommerce performance, GrowByData not only provides data that is available nowhere else, but also for an unlimited number of brands, marketplaces, and direct-to-consumer sellers across every way that shoppers search, buy, and have their needs fulfilled. Our online marketing intelligence software enriches and unifies this data across Search, Product, Competitor, Pricing, and Marketplace dimensions to transform it into eCommerce marketing intelligence that provides complete and customized visibility for each of our clients. GrowByData includes software-as-a-service (SaaS) and data-as-a-service (DaaS) solutions.

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